February 12th, 2021
Ah yes, the long awaited PEST website page.
First here’s the movie if you haven’t seen it yet, being
And now, what you all came for…
First off, a few screenshots from editing. Just thought I’d show what it looks like, and it’s not the most efficient, or the best, but here it is.
Some file size numbers. 14.7 GB Folder and 1.34 GB Finished Video File…
Next up we’ve got some GIFs of behind the scenes animation work…
And here’s a special inclusion, a “storyboard” for planning the Little Guy scene, which was inspired by the Grasshopper and the Ants Silly Symphony. Not something I’ve done before, this is incredibly rough sketches.
After those little bits, here’s some longer videos to enjoy.
First off is my “directors commentary.” Some more stuff in this video that I didn’t feel like writing down, narration over the whole film.
That was… Something.
But now some more fun bonus clips. This one is actually good I promise, we have bloopers, unedited clips, cut lines, and more!
And I… don’t really have too much else to say, but here’s some trivia about the film.
The broom as a weapon is inspired by Cowboy Bebop Movie. This scene specifically. Not that it turned out that way at all in the end, but that’s the original concept..
Another thing that you really shouldn’t know is the original inspiration for PEST. You wouldn’t guess this. It was this video that started it all.
From here I wanted to make something with an over the top fight scene. Which was supposed to be in the snow. But I didn’t want to do big choreography because it was cold and my fingers hurt. Someday I’ll try it again. Anyways it was from the idea of making something really weird that the whole story just… developed.
There is no script. The story wasn’t planned, we filmed each scene, then thought of the next one. Next time I’m doing writing beforehand, but for now I guess I got lucky in creating an even somewhat coherant story….
Last thing, the soundtrack for the film is completely original and created by Owen Page, fellow budget filmmaker.
Here is the soundtrack link on Soundcloud and YouTube, Ellen’s theme is a cut track exclusive to his pages, and there are a few other changes that you would notice if you were the number one PEST fan.
And that’s it! Thank you for watching, I’ll see you in the next film or whatever comes next!